Today we are going to see some great comment system for Blogger. Comment
system is a major part of a blog. Allowing comments can improve user
engagement and the blog's bounce rate can be
surprisingly low. I have already told in many of my posts that comments can keep blog posts alive. So we should provide a user friendly comment system in our blogger blog.
surprisingly low. I have already told in many of my posts that comments can keep blog posts alive. So we should provide a user friendly comment system in our blogger blog.
The Blogger default comment system has almost every feature for user
comments. But if we want to slightly separate it or want to take comment
system at the advanced level, then we can choose one of the following
best third-party commenting systems for Blogger. I've listed almost
every popular third-party commentary forum so that you can find the list
very useful to switch to the default Blogger Comment Forum.
Best Comment System for Blogger - Full List
Here I have listed some of the most popular and top-rated third-party
comment platforms. All these comment platforms can be used on both
Blogger and WordPress. I will try to highlight some of the key features
of the following blog system so that you can explain why you can apply
it to your blog. Now take a look at the list.
Disqus commenting system for blogger
Disqus is one of the most popular, widely used and best commenting
systems for bloggers. If you do not like the default blogger comment
system and wish to bring your blog's comment system to the next blog
level, Disqus is highly recommended. Basically, I personally love the
Disqus Comment platform for a great community of its advanced features,
strong control panels and quality observations.
Seven Plus Cool Commenting System for Blogger Or Blog [Third Party] |
In addition, Disqus will serve more spam-free comments than real
commentators. In addition, your readers will have advance comment
environment with all the latest comment extensions like Rank, Comment
Feedback, like, Dislikes, Avatar, Hovercard, comment sharing and more.
Will you find a very good guide on how to add Disqus to Blogger?
LiveFire Commenting System for Blogger
LiveFire is another amazing and one of the best third-party comment
systems for bloggers. In fact, not only for bloggers but also it
supports other blogging platforms. LiveFire works great in terms of
enhancing the participation of readers by providing an advance comment
environment. It has many advanced comment features.
Seven Plus Cool Commenting System for Blogger Or Blog [Third Party] |
Currently, this generates a responsive comment form with some attractive
features like sharing comments, comments on comments, image insertions,
avatars, followers etc. In fact, we can consider it as an alternative
to Disqus. However, it is growing fast
Commenting system may be a great option but I would like to remind you that it is not more popular than Disqus.
Popular Social Media Commenting System for Blogger
We were talking about some popular third-party commenting system in the
above section of the post. Now we are going to focus on some popular
social media commentary platform. In fact, there is popularity in the
social comment platform just like many other third-party comment
systems. For this reason, I'm going to tell you about the Facebook and
Google Plus commenting system for Blogger.
Facebook comment forum for blogger
We all know that Facebook is the most popular social media service. In
many products of Facebook developers, comment platform is very popular
and widely used. In fact, when people think of implementing a social
comment system on their blog, first of all, they think of Facebook.
Seven Plus Cool Commenting System for Blogger Or Blog [Third Party] |
You have already seen many popular online magazines and the news site is
using this amazing commentary forum. You can actually inspire people
using Facebook comments because people will be able to comment using
their Facebook profile. In addition, you will also find a spam free and
easy moderation panel. I advise you to follow this guide to add a
Facebook comment box to Blogger.
Pros to use third party comment system
Comment control: This is one of the major hesitation to stop spam
commenting for Blogger. Robot spam can be preserved through many
advance spam filter software or plugins, but human spam is still a big
threat. This third-party comment system for Blogger will make sure that
you keep your blog completely safe from robot spam and reduce human spam
through many spam filters.
Advance Note Platform: The above mentioned third party comment
system has been specially optimized to improve the user experience and
to provide many advanced features to your blog commentators. Therefore,
your readers will have more flexibility to leave their comments. In
addition, they will get some advanced features such as comment shares,
comment avatar, hovercard, advance comment editor and so on.
Increase traffic and user engagement: Obviously, relevant
comments can make your blog posts more informative. Also, if you can
provide them flexible and advanced commenting system, people can speak
their mind more easily. More comments mean more words for your blog
post, more precise solution, more user feedback, and finally more
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