Tuesday, June 26, 2018


How unique article gets traffic fast?

Most of blogger normally copy articles of other website, and post in their blog.
By doing so you will not get traffic as your blog do not have any google ranking for initial period say about 2 months.

No search engine will give backlinks for copied content. So I suggest to re write the content using

Wait For 2 Weeks traffic will come naturally

 Hello blogger if you have just launched a fresh website, no need to worry about traffic. You have to write quality article and wait for 2 weeks, traffic will come naturally.

Why blogger has to wait for 1 month?
 Since you blog is new google has to index your website, it take some time. You should have at least 10 quality articles to get traffic from search engine.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Points to be considered for an article to rank well

Pillar Content

Did you know that of the 100 articles you create and content in your blog should have at least 10 pillar content as the foundation that will strengthen your Blog? What does it mean?

Saturday, June 16, 2018

How to start blogging and make money from blogger

Blogging is very popular way to earn money online. You just have to chose the topic according to your interest.
Use your blog to share your knowledge and interest.


Picking a topic for blog is very important to start a blogging. You have to choose a right topic to make your blog successful. 

Friday, June 8, 2018

How to add reaction buttons to blogger

It is very easy to add reaction buttons to blogger and takes only a couple of minutes. Once you add the buttons to your blog site, they will appear on the foot of each and all of your blog posts. Your readers can use

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Five Commenting System for Blogger

Today we are going to see some great comment system for Blogger. Comment system is a major part of a blog. Allowing comments can improve user engagement and the blog's bounce rate can be